Ivaylo Petrov has 4th dan in Aikido. He is born on 16th June 1978 in Sofia. He has graduated from the University for National and World Economy in Sofia where has been awarded a Master’s degree in Commercial Economy. There he has also completed a minor in International Economic Relations. He has graduated from NSA with the professional qualification of an Aikido Coach. He is founder of the Aikikai Aikido School sports club and member of the Management Board of the Bulgarian Aikido Federation since 2001, as well as member of the Technical Commission of the Bulgarian Aikido Federation since 2001. Being part of the managerial staff of BAF, he has regularly participated in the organization of various exams and seminars. He has started practicing martial arts in 1989 (Shotokan karate, judo, ju jutsu). He has been practicing Aikido since 1992. His first teacher in aikido was Georgi Ivanov Sensei followed by Georgi Zarkov Sensei. From 1997 onwards, he has started teaching Aikido to groups of different level Aikido enthusiasts – kids, adults and advanced students. In 1998, he has set up an independent group of young aikidoists in the “Stefan Karadzha” Community center which group two years later has become part of the Imeon martial arts club. Ivaylo Petrov sensei has become an assistant instructor at Imeon and he has practiced there until February 2006. In March the same year, he has established an Aikido practice in the “Triaditsa” hall, which turned out to be the predecessor of his own Aikikai Aikido School club.