Plamen Donchev


Plamen Donchev is born on 21st January 1963. He has practiced wrestling for 8 years.
1975-1980 – wrestling -“Rozova dolina”, Kazanlak
1980-1981 – wrestling -“Beroe”, St. Zagora
1982-1983 – wrestling -“Spartak”, Pleven, afterwards he has practiced combat sports
1983-1984 – wrestling -SRB, Kazanlak
1985-1987 – karate do and judo, Kazanlak.
He has started practicing Aikido in the town of Kazanlak with BAF in 1990 in various Aikido clubs. 1990-2002 he has been practicing in Kazanlak and from 2003 he has started practicing in Sofia. He has been an Aikido instructor since 1993. Since 2010 he has been member of the Technical Commission of BAF. In 2012, he has established the Masakatsu Aikido club and since 2013 he is holder of an official professional qualification “Aikido Coach” from the National Sports Academy. Currently he is holder of a 5th dan Aikikai.

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